Working Around Import Cycles in Go

3 min read

If you've worked in a Go codebase long enough, you've probably run into this error:

import cycle not allowed

You've probably learned the hard way that if you have a package foo that imports bar:

package foo

import "bar"

You would not also be able to import bar from foo.

package bar

import "foo" // import cycle not allowed

I want to show you a pragmatic way we solved this problem without needing a dramatic change to the package structure.

How we're dealing with import cycles in our legacy code

Today, we're migrating our usages of our LegacyCustomer to a new Customer component.

package legacycustomer

type LegacyCustomerService struct {
  // ...

func NewLegacyCustomerService() *LegacyCustomerService {
  // returns a service that's used to create legacy customers

The newer Customer component depends on LegacyCustomer.

package customer

import "legacycustomer"

type CustomerService struct {
  LegacyCustomerService *legacycustomer.LegacyCustomerService

func NewCustomerService(svc *legacycustomer.LegacyCustomerService) *CustomerService {
  // returns a service that depends on LegacyCustomerService
  // and is used to create customers in the new world.

We instantiate these services in the process that bootstraps the server.

package main

import (

func main() {
  legacySvc := legacycustomer.NewLegacyCustomerService()
  custSvc := customer.NewCustomerService(legacySvc)

  // and so on...

To facilitate a migration, we need to dual-write Customers from LegacyCustomerService. We want to do something like the following code snippet, but this won't work.

package legacycustomer

import "customer" // import cycle!

type LegacyCustomerService struct {
  CustomerService *customer.CustomerService

func NewLegacyCustomerService(svc *customer.CustomerService) *LegacyCustomerService {
  // returns a service that's used to create legacy customers
  // but will also start dual-writing new customers.

The customer package already imported legacycustomer, so we can't import legacycustomer from customer.

We'll use dependency injection to avoid the need for a cyclic import. Here's how:

  1. Create an interface that legacycustomer will import.
  2. Have customer implement that interface.
  3. Let legacycustomer have a dependency on the interface, not the CustomerService directly.

First, let's create the interface:

package api

import "legacycustomer"

type CustomerAPI interface {
  CreateCustomerFromLegacyCustomer(c *legacycustomer.LegacyCustomer) error

Now, we'll let CustomerService implement CustomerAPI.

Unlike some languages like Java, we don't have to state the fact that CustomerService implements CustomerAPI.

Go supports duck typing. So if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

package customer

import "legacycustomer"

// Notice we say nothing about `CustomerAPI`, but we implement it nonetheless.

func (svc *CustomerService) CreateCustomerFromLegacyCustomer(c *legacycustomer.LegacyCustomer) error {
  // ...

Now we can update legacycustomer to use the interface:

package legacycustomer

import "api"

type LegacyCustomerService struct {
  CustomerAPI api.CustomerAPI

// ...

And when we start the server, we can pass the implementation of the interface (i.e. CustomerService) to legacycustomer:

package main

import (

func main() {
  legacySvc := legacycustomer.NewLegacyCustomerService()
  custSvc := customer.NewCustomerService(legacySvc)

  // this is the line that does the depenency injection.
  // since `CustomerService` implements `CustomerAPI`, this is legal.
  legacySvc.CustomerAPI = custSvc

  // and so on...

Voilà. You now have a technique that leverages dependency injection and duck typing to help you work around cyclic imports in Go.

Hey, you! 🫵

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